This painting shows a couple of images I received during a healing. I thought it might be interesting for you to see an example of what goes on, as this kind of healing can seem very abstract and sometimes hard to understand.

My client was going through a hard time where she was feeling vulnerable and exposed, like she’d lost trust in life, and a kind of paranoia that everything was her fault. She wrote and asked me to have a look at this, and the first chance I got I sat down in my room and tuned into the Akashic Records. 

The first thing I saw was this big, heavy, old school diver helmet on her head, acting as protective shield, but at the same time locking her in, separating her from the world. I felt a deep sorrow, loneliness, and a fear of speaking my truth. 

I asked to see what this pattern would look like after the healing. I was shown the helmet coming off, and her hair started to stretch out, like it was static, reaching as far as it could. She lifted her hand to touch the air around her, slowly getting used to taking up the space she was previously denied. HER space. And when she opened her mouth to speak, her voice reached for miles, with no effort.

After receiving this overview, I tried to seek out the happening behind, to understand what caused this pattern. I’m often shown a past life, this time too. I was taken back to somewhere which looked medieval, and I could see how she got violently punished for sharing knowledge which could challenge the people in power. She felt guilt and remorse for bringing shame to her family, and for almost having started a rebellion which seemed to only cause pain. 

I found four(!) blocks, located in her 3rd eye, Throat, Sacral and Root Chakra, which I was allowed to remove from her system. Amongst these was a promise she’d made to herself, to never again do anything which could potentially disrupt the status quo. These promises are very powerful, and although they made sense to us at the time, they can sabotage our development, lifetime after lifetime.

After I finished the healing, we met on Skype so I could share my findings. Funny thing, she could actually tell the time of day when I removed the blockages. There had been a shift in her energy, and mid-conversation she’d noticed that she was expressing herself more freely than she would normally do.

I always offer to check beforehand, to see if you have any blockages that can be removed. Click here to read more about the healing and book your free check ❤️

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